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Alain & Alina Banon


Alain & Alina Banon

Nikken Diamonds

Background:  Master of Martial Arts, President of Federation of Zen in France,  Producer, Translator, Foreign Language Teacher, Linguistic Specialist 

Achievements: President's Club, "Constanta of Nikken" Award

Native from Morocco, Casablanca, Alain moved to France in age of 18. He practice the Martial Arts since the age of 13,and  became the Master of Martial arts, Karate , Aikido, and Zen philosophy .

Because the Martial Arts Alain started to work in Show Business and Politic area, and did his remarkable professional advancement from bodyguard to   Producer of famous singers, working during 20 years in movie industry , for Cannes Festival of the movies, MipCome festival, and Festival of Movie of Montcarlo.
Alain has his activity in Politic, working during 20 years for French president Jacque Chirac, organising his security and politic complains. Alain him self was actively involve in politic life of his region, Cote d' Azur and participate in different politic election with success.

Since 28 years Alain involve in MLM business, was number one distributor of American company "Achivers" and number one in Europe of company "Quorum". Working during the years on different MLM business Alain did his choice to join Nikken because stability and incredible potential of the business. Help all  people to take this decision and be the owner of his life is the most important motivation for Alain.

Native from Russia, Moscow, Aline graduated University of foreign language of Moscow, she is teacher of foreign languages, translator and linguist specialist. Aline meet Alain 17 years ago in Russia, and was his translator and become the partner in the life and MLM business. At the  age of 18 Aline was President of Leadership Association of Russia and Kazakhstan, and had like mission to help develop the leadership quality for young generation in Russia , and this background was really important to make the choice 8 years ago join Nikken business, making true decision to help a lot of partners enjoy stability of our system and self development in the life.