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Bernadette & Anton McBurnie


Bernadette & Anton McBurnie

Nikken Diamonds

Background: Corporate Executive in the Cosmetics & Banking Industries (Europe & Asia)

Achievements: President’s Club, Top 10 Business Builders, Lifestyle Bonus Program, 15 years in Nikken

Bernadette and her husband Anton traveled globally - Europe, Asia and North America. After 13 years in the IT environment, Bernadette decided to take a break to raise her three children. At that time, Anton had spent 17 years as an executive in the Cosmetics Industry.
For the last 12 years he has been running his own consulting practice working with Fortune 500 companies in the areas of leadership and change management.

While looking for the next step in her career, Bernadette came across Nikken. After the most exciting improvement in her daughter’s health, she embraced the holistic philosophy and approach, and became passionate about sharing Nikken with the world.
“I chose to live life by my own design and refused to let any career control what I could or could not do. I recognized that Nikken would allow me to live the quality of life I wanted. Even though I had no experience in Network Marketing, I had the deepest desire to make things happen, and that’s all that mattered…

Initially Anton was not at all in favor of the Network Marketing business model – not a viable business/career, too much time, too little financial results - simply put, just not worth it! But he did take the time to evaluate Nikken: their track record, their Mission, their Management Team, their Business Plan and was also able to appreciate the potential of the opportunity.

Nikken allows us to reach to our potential and have the freedom to live our lives as we desire. And as we empower others, we make a real impact in our community and on the world at large.”