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Filtering by Category: Resources

What It Takes!


Wow! Listen as Brody Craney talks with Rodger and Jennifer Bessire. Together they outline how the Bassire's are building their very successful NIKKEN business. This has all the fundamentals to build your business! It is definitely one to listen to again and again, take notes on, and then go and do it!

Here are the tools Brody uses:


Prospecting CD is "Freedom Through Total Wellness" available through focusongrowth.com

(Dennis Williams states that this is the best CD he has heard in his 23 years with NIKKEN!)

The Four Year Career book - for only $2 each!  http://e.blissbusiness.com



The Nikken Business Plan


Our new Nikken business plan provides a well-defined roadmap for building a successful business.   The plan is simple and realistic.

First, enroll yourself as a "Quality Enrollee."  A Quality Enrollee is the core activity for our new business culture.  You will want to develop a business of at least $500 personal volume. This will typically be a few regular customers, including your own auto ship order of at least $100.

The next business step is Duplicate!  Find three friends whom you would like to have as business partners. Help them to follow your example by also becoming Quality Enrollees.

"Teach Three to Reach Three"    What would your family organization look like if you had three children and they in turn each had three children?   You can have children and grandchildren much faster with the Nikken plan!  What kind of income could you expect as a QE (Quality Enrollee) who has three people who also are QE's, who in turn have three QE's?    Realistically how much time would this take?

The plan is simple and easy!   Actually, it's not a new experiment that's never been tried before. The network marketing profession has already created thousands of millionaires.  Every one of them has an organization that looks similar to our Nikken plan!  Each has two or three "key people" who in turn, also have two or three key people, whether you are making $1000 a month or $100,000 a month, The difference is simply the maturity and depth of your organization.

I created a PowerPoint presentation that shows a realistic income projection of an organization that is only two levels deep. If you can achieve this in a year or less, just imagine allowing this same business to mature over the next four or five years. You can become financially independent!

Do check it out, and share!

Dave Johnson

Embrace Change with William Todd


“In another and better world, things may be different. But in this world, to grow is to change; and to have changed often is to have grown much. You know we always look at what’s going on and we think, 'in another time' or 'maybe down the road.'”
 - Cardinal John Henry Newman

How about right now? What Change can you embrace ......Right now?


Visit Magnetic Leaders Success Library Podcast on iTunes to hear "Embrace Change."

"How Sugar Destroys Your Heart and Brain"


“Sugar can kill you,” is the message told in an article titled, “How Sugar Destroys Your Heart and Brain” by Dr. David Williams. The article was published in Alternatives in August 2014.

The article illustrates the “direct relationship” between refined carbohydrates (not naturally found in fruit) and “the risk of dying from a heart attack.” The article states that Dr. Quanhe Yang with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention studied added sugar in American’s diets and found that between 2005 and 2010, 71.4 percent of adults consumed “10 percent or more of their calories from sugar, and roughly 10 percent of adults consumed 25 percent of their total calories from sugar.” The article draws a connection between sugar intake and the risk of heart attacks saying, “those who consumed 10-24.9 percent of their daily calories as added sugar had a 30 percent higher chance of death from heart attacks, compared to those who took in less than 10 percent.” Some soft drink manufacturers and the Corn Refiners Association criticized the study.

The article also explains how a person’s body treats sugar. If a person is active and exercises regularly, then the body uses sugar as energy. However, if someone who eats a lot of sugar is more sedentary, then the body stores the sugar as fat, insulin levels raise and the sugar is stored in the liver. Dr. Williams explains how the effects of sugar and inactivity can cause metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Dr. Williams also writes that artificial sweeteners “are no better.” He explains that trying to “trick” the human body is not a way around sugar.  Studies show diet soda drinkers suffer similar health risks as those who ingest high levels of sugar.

According to the article, sugar can also be linked to Alzheimer’s Disease. Alzheimer’s has been studied for years but no cure has been successful. However, the article explains that recent research about the disease suggests it might be a kind of “Type 3 Diabetes.” Those suffering from Alzheimer’s have similar insulin problems as those with Type 2 Diabetes, but it is localized in the brain.

“One of insulin’s jobs in the brain is to initiate the production of acetylcholine. This neurotransmitter is involved in learning and memory, and it also stimulates muscle tissue. Deficiencies in acetylcholine are a known marker of Alzheimer’s,” Dr. Williams explains.

But sugar doesn’t have to be a part of people’s diet. Dr. Williams ends the article by suggesting some alternatives to sugar and some helpful tips to avoid sugar.

“And if you don’t have these [health] problems, take whatever steps necessary, starting today, to avoid them. Throw out the sugar and clean up your diet.”

Full article published in "Alternatives" August 2014. Written by Dr. David Williams.

More on OsteoDenx


Wellness is more than skin deep, more than being cosmetically healthy.  What we really want is through and through wellness.  At the core of our bodies, bones begin to form before we are born.  They support a baby’s first wobbling steps.  The shin bone enables a youngster to kick the soccer ball in practice.

Healthy bones help a student attain full height when speaking before the high school debate class.  They must stand up to climbing, hiking, jogging, skiing and all the more vigorous fun pursuits in life.  Bones need to be strong when our parents and grandparents walk from bedroom to bath, should they inadvertently slip and fall.  Every age group benefits from healthy bones.



After age 50 more than half of us have low bone density

Lifetime risk of a fracture from fragile bones is 50% in women and 25% in men

There are 1.5 million such fractures a year, all causing debility to a degree, some requiring surgery with the risk of complications

Long term nursing care is the fate of 30% after hip fracture and there is even a 20% death rate in females by 1 year.

In view of these sobering stats, treatment options, early detection and prevention are naturally of interest…Bone density measurements help diagnose deficiency states, full blown osteoporosis and a less severe condition, called osteopenia.

Normal treatment includes calcium supplementation in various forms; vitamin D of different types to help what otherwise is poor absorption of calcium, hormones and their synthetically modified versions, as well as bisphosphanates (Fosamax was first on the market).

Most recently, OsteoDenx was premiered and is now available through Nikken without a prescription.


Is not a chemical drug

It is not a vitamin supplement or mineral

It contains no calcium

It is the first in a completely new and unique class, replenishment

This naturally occurring substance is manufactured internally by the body.  With aging and the passage of time this important multifunctional molecule is depleted.  With the advent of Nikken’s latest breakthrough wellness product, we can turn back the clock on bone support and health.

But the story is much bigger…


Bone may be thought of as a mineral bank.  OsteoDenx acts as a bank teller, assisting in deposits and withdrawals.  When calcium and other minerals properly move into the bone, they form part of a solid portfolio of support.  These same minerals are paid out of the balanced account of healthy bone for key transactions in the body.  Close at hand, joints require supplies from the underlying bone to be well.  Deformed  and inflamed joints are as much manifestations of bone health being out of balance as low density and increased fragility.  From hear to intestines, many distant organ systems count on a daily mineral “check in the mail” from the bone bank.  Insufficient funds can get “power and water” turned off, a physiologic bankruptcy with the risk of a lien being placed on one’s bodily home.  Uncorrected, eviction may follow precipitously.


To put our house back in order, OsteoDenx facilitates cash flow for a myriad of payments in the cellular economy.  OsteoDenx comes with 20+ years of research.  Bone health has shown benefit in less than 2 weeks.  No side effects are anticipated.  There is no conflict with underlying conditions or ongoing treatments.  Of course, consulting your own physician concerning any medical question is always advised. 

OsteoDenx is opening up a lot of conversations on a subject of vital importance for all of us, bone health and wellness.  It has been said that the Stone Age came to an end, but not for a shortage of stones.  Just so, the age of drugs and surgeries will come to an end, but not for a shortage of drug ads and surgery centers

 OsteoDenx is ushering in a new age, the Age of replenishment!

Clinical Trials of Bergamot


Learn about Bergamot!

This clinical trial was awarded the Runner Up in the "Original Clinical Trial" category at the Scripps Integrated Medicine Conference in San Diego, California in January 2012. As Runner Up in the competition the trial was also published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. (Vol:, 18 Issue: July 11, 2012)


"Slimming Water Cure"


It’s an amazing fact that the human body is composed of about 75% water. While this is true at birth, this percentage changes as we age. Recent studies show that by the time we reach 40, the amount of water in our bodies can drop to only 50%.

New studies from leading Universities, including Stanford, are urging people – especially women over 40 – to drink more water. An article published in an August issue of First for Women, breaks down the studies and what they mean. Water is associated with many health problems men and women experience as they grow older. The article, “Slimming Water Cure,” focuses on how water can help you shed pounds – especially those over 40.

Most middle aged women are dehydrated and don’t even realize it, explains Howard Murad M.D., an associate clinical professor at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine and author of The Water Secret.

“As we get older, stress, poor diet and environmental exposure damage the membranes of the body’s cells and weaken their ability to hold water,” he says.

The article states we are less likely to feel thirsty when we are older. As people become more dehydrated, they feel hungry more often, they are crankier, and more likely to eat an unhealthy snack. Which leads to gaining weight.

The old adage of “losing water weight” to get skinnier is actually bad advice. Healthier cells can retain more water, which actually aids in weight loss. All the studies cited in the article conclude that: “water drinkers lost more weight than dieters who drank less.” Women over 40 are the ones who can benefit most from this health tip, and the studies showed they lost the most weight when adding about 1 liter of water per day to their diet routine.

The type of water people drink is also important. Any old tap water sounds like a good idea, but that water is usually more acidic. Acidic water can actually further damage cell walls, which will keep unwanted fat on your body.

“For weight loss, research suggests that water with an alkaline pH of 9 to 10 works best,” says naturopathic physician Jennifer Burns, N.D., founder and medical director of the BienEtre Center in Phoenix.

Studies indicate alkaline water may be the best choice for many health reasons. Burns added that “alkaline water may counteract inflammatory interleukins in the body, which has the bonus effect of slowing aging, easing pain and improving sleep.”

The article also states that drinking water 15 to 20 minutes before meals can aid even more in weight loss. And added water bonus is that more water can increase energy 89% and lower heart attack risk by 41%.

This article was published in the August 4, 2014 issue of First for Women by Erin Quinlan.

What many health experts say about drinking Alkaline Water


"Drinking alkaline water is a great water to neutralize and flush out all of the toxins and acids that drain from the tissues and bodily fluids, and to quickly rehydrate the body and keep the blood alkaline." -Daniel Reid, author of "The Tao of Detox"

"I have administered over 5000 gallons of this water for about every health situation imaginable. I feel that restructured alkaline water can benefit everyone...The countless names attached to illnesses do not really matter. What does matter is that they all come from the same root cause: too much tissue acid waste in the body." -Dr. Theodore Baroody DC, ND, PH.D. -Author of "Alkalize or Die"

"Getting Liberal amounts of alkaline water (having a pH between 9 and 10) neutralizes stored acid wastes and if consumed everyday in conjunction with a good diet, gently removes the acids from the body." -Dr. Robert Young, Microbiologist & author of "The Ph Miracle"

"Since the waste products we are trying to discharge are acidic, the right kind of water is alkaline water. My personal recommendation is to enjoy the foods that we like, but do not over eat or exclude any food. Eat in moderation following professional dietitians "balanced diet" concept, and let alkaline water do the job of cleansing acidic wastes. Do not use food to cleanse wastes, thus running the risk of nutritional deficiency or imbalance." -From anti-aging expert and scientist Sang Whang, author of "Reverse Aging"

"The cells and fluids in most peoples bodies are overly acidic. This can cause a lot of health problems. It prevents your body from neutralizing and disposing of harmful, poisonous toxins and leaves you more susceptible to the cell-damaging free radical oxidation that leads to cancer and other diseases." -Dr. Robert Atkins, noted author, health and diet expert.

"Alkalize your body and live a healthier, more energized, and ultimately more fulfilling life