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Choose Vital Care! By Roger Drummer


As well as sharing with others, Roger's presentation to watch again and again with a notepad in hand!

Here are some of his thoughts:

Really amazing things can happen when you connect with natural products.  You are giving your body, your entire system, it's greatest chance to go out in the world that day feeling the best you possibly can. The plan here is to create a lifestyle; a diet, a sleep habit, a way of giving yourself energy that helps you to thrive and feel more vital and alive.  When you do this, you can't help but have a better, more positive effect on every single person you come in contact with.

That to me is the reason why you would want to even think about getting healthier and changing your diet or becoming involved with the whole field of health because it will affect every single thing that you do in life.  And the world will even seem to open up to you, because when you take good energy out into the world it seems like you just run into good things all the time!

"The Other Me" by Robert Loken


I sat beside myself today

and listened to what I had to say

I was searching for that other me

The one I really want to be


The words I heard were oh so true

If only I could follow through

The words were spoke by the other me

The one I really want to be


I find procrastination is a friend of mine

It seems he’s with me all the time

Procrastination has no place with the other me

The one I really want to be


I must leave procrastination far behind

To do this I must change my mind

By changing what’s inside of me

I can truly be the other me


I have found a place with friends who care

There wisdom and knowledge they freely share

NIKKEN is the place you see

That will guide me to the other me



Written by; Robert (Bob from Mn) Loken

A man who truly believes in NIKKEN

How will your movie end?


If you were going to a movie about your life, how would you want it to end? How would you want the viewers to feel about you when it’s over?

I was thinking about this after I read something really insightful by Earl Nightingale:

“Those people who achieve are they who have given themselves a good mental picture to work towards.

Imagine that you are seated in a movie theater waiting for the show to begin. What will this movie do for you?  How will it affect you?  Will you feel moved, perhaps even to tears?  Will you laugh at a comedy, or feel terrified at the crises faced by the hero or heroine?  Will you feel wonderful waves of love and compassion - or surges of resentment?  All these feelings will pulse through you, and more.  What impact will all this have on your life?

And now imagine that the movie you are going to see is about the most fascinating person in the world...YOURSELF!

In this special theater - which is in the mind and heart of each of us, you are the producer, director, writer, actor or actress. You will be the hero or the villain. You are also among the audience that reacts to this thrilling drama.

The exciting story unfolding upon your ‘inner screen’ is one which is invented every second of your life.  Yesterday, tomorrow, and most importantly, right now.

You watch the image upon that screen and you invent the image upon that screen - right now. Will the story have a happy ending?  Is it full of happiness and success or sorrow and failure?  At this moment the story line is unfolding, and the discerning eye can tell the direction in which the story will go.

Since you are the dramatist, the director and the actor, you can change the stories development. Now. This instant. And for your whole lifetime.

You can make this a success story. You can be the hero and conquer the villain. You can make this a heartwarming story, which will enrich the lives of all who know you. You can either direct and produce a wonderful magnificent life or a drab mechanical tale, a chronicle of boredom. How we live our lives is a result of the story we believe about ourselves.

Our thoughts, habits, even our abilities must be those of the person we believe ourselves to be.  It all depends on what you do with the images you carry inside you...you can change it for the better and start getting the kind of results such a change will bring about!”

 From The Essence of Success, by Earl Nightingale -pg. 97


Embrace Change with William Todd


“In another and better world, things may be different. But in this world, to grow is to change; and to have changed often is to have grown much. You know we always look at what’s going on and we think, 'in another time' or 'maybe down the road.'”
 - Cardinal John Henry Newman

How about right now? What Change can you embrace ......Right now?


Visit Magnetic Leaders Success Library Podcast on iTunes to hear "Embrace Change."