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Bo Tanas


Bo Tanas

Nikken Royal Diamond

Background: Entrepreneur, Musician, Real Estate Rep, Retail Store Owner

Achievements: Heart of Nikken Award, President’s Club, Millionaires' Club, Consultant of the Year

When I discovered Nikken, I was not happy with my lifestyle and income. I sensed that a better life was out there, but I did not know where to find it. Then Nikken found me. A friend and former real estate client of mine told me about his dramatic experience with some Nikken products. I was skeptical and wanted to see for myself. After attending a Nikken event and getting some of my own products for better sleep and my sore back and knees, I was sold. Once they helped my mother and a few friends, I was amazed. Then when I learned of Nikken's solid track record with billions in global sales over many years and the excellent timing, I decided to get started. I started part-time and went full-tim within 6 months. Within 24 months I was earning a 6-figure annual income and have since earned several million. Now I have much greater time and money freedom, with the satisfaction and pride of helping tens of thousands of people in over 30 countries globally. What a wonderful life!