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Ihor & Ofelia Lenko


Ihor & Ofelia Lenko

Nikken Royal Diamonds

Background: Real Estate Broker/Import & export business, Librarian/Teacher

Achievements: President's Club, Millionaire's Club

Ihor joined Nikken in 1992 while living in Toronto, Canada. He was a real estate broker when he was involved in a car accident. After trying some Nikken products, which greatly helped him, he decided to join. The accident made Ihor realize that he was as good as his last sale, and that if the accident had been any worse, what could he do for a living? Until that time, his income depended solely on his own efforts. With Nikken, his income did not depend on his efforts alone, but also on the combined efforts of thousands of people in his organization, and the earning potential was limitless. After 3-1/2 years of doing Nikken part-time, Ihor decided to close his real estate offices and do Nikken full-time.
Ihor and Ofelia bought a condominium in West Palm Beach, Fl., overlooking the intracoastal and the ocean, thanks to the lifetime bonus from Nikken. They would go down to Florida in the winter months to escape the bitter Canadian winter. After doing this for a couple of years, they decided to move to Florida permanently, since the Nikken business can be done from any country that Nikken operates in. Ihor and Ofelia have never looked back. Today, they have a large organization in over 30 countries. They treasure the time freedom that the Nikken business allows them, while they travel all over the world helping others achieve their dreams.