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Jean Pierre & Regine Desroses


Jean Pierre & Regine Desroses

Nikken Royal Diamonds

Background: Midwife, medical doctor, hypnotherapist, book-translator

Achievements: European Distributor of the Year 2008, 21 Club, President's Club, Millionaire Club

Jean-Pierre and Régine Desroses started Nikken in late 1999.

Both from medical background (Régine was a midwife and Jean-Pierre a medical doctor), they discovered Nikken through a long lost friend and joined in very quickly. They immediately discovered that these wellness products were amazing and get interested by the Nikken compensation plan and its financial perspectives for the future.

They were Silver in 4 months, Gold in 2 years, Platinum in 3 years, Diamond in 5 years and Royal Diamond in 7 years. They are President Club members, Millionaire Club members.

Régine and Jean-Pierre both resigned from their previous medical carreers and are Nikken full-time distributors since year 2006.

Thanks to Nikken, they invested in real estate, thanks to the Life Style Bonus, they were allowed to  buy consecutively 4 cars and offer 3 cars for their family.

They have 3 children that followed them in lot of countries. They gave them amazing life style and funny holidays. Children feel very grateful about that knowing that they would never have this life style if their parents stayed in their previous jobs.