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Maggie McKee

Maggie McKee

Nikken Diamond

Background: Tenured college professor

Achievements: Car/Home/Lifestyle program, President's Club, 21 Club


Maggie’s life was profoundly changed when she was introduced to Nikken in 1995.  Living in a Nikken wellness home relieved her of the 30 years of chronic pain she had suffered and freed her from the Canadian tax-man!!

She taught for 29 years and held a tenured position teaching at a college before leaving institutionalized life in 1998 to dedicate herself full time to freedom and her career with Nikken. Her passion as a Diamond wellness consultant is driven by a desire to empower others to take personal responsibility for wellness in all areas so that they can live their lives fully.  Her family pillar is one of her great sources of joy - she has 2 wonderful, handsome, successful and loving adult sons, and, best of all 4 adorable grandchildren!!  Maggie's certified wellness home is in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia.