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A Short Introduction to OsteoDenx


A Short Introduction to OsteoDenx


Your Bones are a Calcium BANK !
Every day your bones take in calcium and release a certain amount of grams of calcium to all of your internal organs that are required for them to run correctly.

If your stomach is not healthy , it will not be able to process the calcium. Now come the fun part ! Your body will not expel this unusable calcium ,but stores it in your body as Kidney Stones , Bone Spurs and plaque in the blood stream.

The Big Pharmaceutical Companies solution is bisphosphonate's in the form of Fosamax , Boniva and Actonel. ($$$3.6 BILLION Dollars in sales every year). These Very Dangerous Toxic Poisons actually BLOCK ALL RELEASE OF CALCIUM from your bones.For up to 10 tears even after you stop taking it. Do you think brain liver kidneys lungs heart all work correctly without any calcium???

Nikken's answer is All Natural All Organic and will regrow bone tissue. OSTEODENX.

The skeletal (osteo) system consists of bones, cartilage, ligaments and tendons, and accounts for about 20 per cent of our body weight. The right combination of vitamins and minerals are essential to protect your bones throughout life.

OsteoDenx™ is a lactoferrin food supplement with soluble fibres, vitamins and grape seed extract. It is designed to make the most of the active components that help to maintain healthy bones, like the synergistic action of calcium, vitamin D and soluble fibre. OsteoDenx™ is designed for use with calcium supplement, CalDenx™.

Nikken Bio-Replenishment is a concept that is different from conventional nutritional support.

Bio-Replenishment, in contrast to ordinary dietary supplements or drugs, offers products based on the body‚s own biochemicals, its internal building blocks. Bio-Replenishment is designed to enhance the use or synthesis of these materials, to support the physical processes that keep us alive and healthy.

Replenishment theory is well known in biology and medicine. With Bio-Replenishment, Nikken applies this principle to daily, personal health care.

OsteoDenx from Nikken is a revolutionary formula to help you maintain strong, healthy bones for life. With age, we lose bone tissue and our skeletal structure can become dangerously weakened.
OsteoDenx can help, in a unique way. It is not a nutritional supplement or a prescription osteo drug. OsteoDenx is the only product with a patented system ˜ Syno-portin technology ˜ that supports natural bone tissue growth. It literally helps rebuild bone density.
For strong bones and joints, preservation of cartilage and maintenance of essential minerals, make OsteoDenx part of your daily routine of replenishment.

If you saw the greatest opportunity in the history of the world, COULD YOU RECOGNIZE IT? And if you then could recognize it, would you dare to do something about it?

We are looking for business partners to help market the best Bone Health System on Earth..

For more information go to www.bonejointhealth.info