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What It Takes!


Wow! Listen as Brody Craney talks with Rodger and Jennifer Bessire. Together they outline how the Bassire's are building their very successful NIKKEN business. This has all the fundamentals to build your business! It is definitely one to listen to again and again, take notes on, and then go and do it!

Here are the tools Brody uses:


Prospecting CD is "Freedom Through Total Wellness" available through focusongrowth.com

(Dennis Williams states that this is the best CD he has heard in his 23 years with NIKKEN!)

The Four Year Career book - for only $2 each!  http://e.blissbusiness.com



An mStride Script


(Have this ATTITUDE  - This is the call they have been waiting for all of their life!)
(Begin with a sincere and personal compliment such as.....)

 I've always been impressed by how you genuinely really care about others....
Your high integrity...and...just plain gumption!

(Make all of this a natural conversation - be interested, and not interesting!)

I like you!      I would like you to consider going into business with me.     I believe we could do some great things together.

(at this point they might ask - "WHAT IS IT?")

So you are interested?      (be sure to wait for response)

Have you heard of the term "Energy Medicine?"

Dr. Oz states that: "Energy Medicine is The Next Big Thing."
...and that:  "Energy Medicine is the future of all medicine."

This is high praise indeed!
And I'm excited to say that the future is NOW!

 There is an "Energy Medicine" product that's already proven itself. It's done over a billion dollars in Japan, and I have an opportunity to help bring it here!

We estimate this is going to be at least a $4 billion opportunity.

I have a very successful business partner I'm working with, who has already built big businesses.  We believe  this is something that everybody's going to need and want.
No one has it yet, and they can only get it from us!

And we're looking for some good business partners to work with and you came to mind.

(Listen to their response.... And see if they're still interested.)

Let's get together with my business partner and see if this is something that we can do together.

Is there sometime next thursday that we could schedule a phone call with you and my business partner?

                                                                     * * *
"Energy medicine is the future of all medicine. We're beginning now to understand things that we know in our hearts are true but we could never measure. As we get better at understanding how little we know about the body, we begin to realize that the next big frontier in medicine is energy medicine. It's not the mechanistic part of the joints moving. It's not the chemistry of our body - it's understanding for the first time how energy influences how we feel."
    -Dr. Mehmet Oz

"Scripting" is one of the most powerful ways to change everything.  You can borrow someone else's script and then loan it to others. Once you learn and effective script and then teach it to others your whole world will change! I highly recommend you listen to the script on this call again and again, make it a part of you. Add your personality to these words and make them a part of you.

This can be a million dollar idea!

      - Lao Tzu

The Importance of Events


by Reid Nelson

Events are one of the most important building blocks of your future business in Nikken. Those of you that were in Orlando, at the World Convention know just how important an event can be for Vision, and Belief in building the  confidence it takes to build your business.

There are 2 events coming your way in the next few months, that can continue your momentum for the future.

1) HBM, in Salt Lake City Utah, May 15-16. An absolutely critical part of the 5 Pillars of Health while you build your business. This program will help you build the confidence and understanding of yourself that it will take to build a big business in Nikken. I personally have been to 25 HBM's as a participant, and countless more as as assistant to the facilitator . Take as many of your consultants, and your new people with you as possible. It is a critical element of the Nikken philosophy.This program changed our lives forever!

Next, 2) The next big Nikken Independent Field Event in Salt Lake City Utah on July 10-11th.

These are awesome events put on by Independent Consultants, and supported fully by the Nikken Executive Team. This is where you will learn from the Best of the Best, Both field leaders, and Corporate leaders as well. You will be trained and inspired. Your Vision will grow. Your Confidence will be unstoppable. Do whatever it takes to attend these events. Then after this event, 90 days later is the next Big event in San Antonio Texas. You Build from event, to event, to event. As you do this, your group will grow, and you will grow, as a person, and a Nikken Consultant. 

Be Committed to your dream. Do whatever it takes. You can do it. We believe in you. If we can do it, You can do it. See you all very soon, in Salt lake City. Yvonne and I are All In! Are you?

Visit the Events page to learn about upcoming events and register.



By Mike Hyatt

The most difficult person you will ever lead is yourself. If you get yourself to do what you preach everyone else to do - then suddenly you develop the most compelling reason for anybody to follow you. People are desperate for heroes, for models. You have to realize that people, whether you like it or not are going to emulate you!  They are going to follow you, in your faults and in your strengths.

And so I'm constantly working on the prototype of my own life, knowing that people are going to emulate me and mimic me.  The good news is that it makes all of this inside your control, because you are the one person you can change - you may not be able to change that person downline from you, but you can change your own behavior, and have an enormous impact on that same person downline from you.

Working on yourself, leading yourself, is job number one for every leader!

Parenting and leadership are very parallel. My kids didn't pay very much attention to what I told them. Now I could just beat myself up, or I could make their lives miserable by being sort of a jail warden, by just "telling them" and catching them doing wrong things. Or I could just start doing the right things, trusting that they're going to emulate that eventually.

Gandhi said:  "Be the change you want to see in the world."  And the same is true in creating the culture in a organization.

Culture is defined by the behavior of its leaders.

If you want to change the culture of the corporation, be what it is you want people to become. If you want them to be out working the business, networking and meeting new people, YOU gotta to get out there and work the business!

The Nikken Business Plan


Our new Nikken business plan provides a well-defined roadmap for building a successful business.   The plan is simple and realistic.

First, enroll yourself as a "Quality Enrollee."  A Quality Enrollee is the core activity for our new business culture.  You will want to develop a business of at least $500 personal volume. This will typically be a few regular customers, including your own auto ship order of at least $100.

The next business step is Duplicate!  Find three friends whom you would like to have as business partners. Help them to follow your example by also becoming Quality Enrollees.

"Teach Three to Reach Three"    What would your family organization look like if you had three children and they in turn each had three children?   You can have children and grandchildren much faster with the Nikken plan!  What kind of income could you expect as a QE (Quality Enrollee) who has three people who also are QE's, who in turn have three QE's?    Realistically how much time would this take?

The plan is simple and easy!   Actually, it's not a new experiment that's never been tried before. The network marketing profession has already created thousands of millionaires.  Every one of them has an organization that looks similar to our Nikken plan!  Each has two or three "key people" who in turn, also have two or three key people, whether you are making $1000 a month or $100,000 a month, The difference is simply the maturity and depth of your organization.

I created a PowerPoint presentation that shows a realistic income projection of an organization that is only two levels deep. If you can achieve this in a year or less, just imagine allowing this same business to mature over the next four or five years. You can become financially independent!

Do check it out, and share!

Dave Johnson

Advice from our CEO


Last November, Forbes.com published an article entitled “Why Every Entrepreneur Needs a Mentor”. The author asserts that many of the most successful people in history maintained a valued mentorship, either receiving guidance from a trusted mentor or sharing their own wisdom with a promising student. Alexander the Great was mentored by Aristotle. Walter Cronkite was mentored by Fred Birney, his high school journalism teacher. Even Luke Skywalker was mentored by Obi-Wan Kenobi. 

A 2012 survey cited in the article showed that entrepreneurs who received mentoring increased their revenue by an average of 106 percent, versus an average increase of only 14 percent among those who didn’t receive mentoring. A difference of 92 percent!

There’s a reason why Entrepreneur.com calls mentors “a young entrepreneur’s secret weapon.” An effective mentor will provide counsel and training in the skills that an entrepreneur will need, and leads by example. An effective mentor believes in his students and wants them to succeed. An effective mentor has an enviable track record of success as an entrepreneur. And let’s not forget —mentors know that helping their mentees to succeed pays incredible dividends in their own continued growth and success.

For all of these reasons and more, there is no better environment for developing a mentorship than right here with Nikken’s Diamonds and Royal Diamonds.

That’s why for me it’s so reassuring to look out and see a host of familiar faces – the faces of Leaders who have earned the title of mentor – intermingled with many eager new faces beaming with anticipation. Each of you is a testament to the unique story and longevity of Nikken. In a few days, you will carry this legacy back home with you, adding to and enhancing our story with every new product introduction, and every relationship, whether as mentor or mentee.

In January of this year, we launched Nikken 2.0.  My executive team is fully committed and capable to lead you into a new era of prosperity and to the next level of Humans Being More. In the tradition of that first year, 1975, we believe, 2015 will usher in a sense of renewed energy, excitement and purpose to carry on our mission of introducing people around the world to a way of living measured by 5 Pillars of Health. If you agree, then together, we will make Nikken’s next billion dollars in global retail sales a reality.

Kurt Fulle

Would you join a multilevel marketing company for retirement income?


Forbes Magazine, by Robert Laura 9/1/2014


At some point in your life you've been pitched a...network marketing business opportunity. While the pitch varies from company to company, it basically promises a chance to ditch your 9-5 work schedule, be your own boss, and make lots of money while making new friends in the process. 

It all sounds good on paper, yet there is a seemingly endless debate over whether these companies and programs are legitimate business opportunities are not, so I dug in and got the real scoop. As a result, I believe that the entire industry is poised for explosive growth and can be one of the most significant solutions to America's current retirement savings crises... Combine that concept with eye-opening statistics like AARP's estimate that half of all baby boomers (76 million) are interested in starting a business and the makings of a massive trend are in place. 

As far as the retirement savings crises is concerned, more and more people are coming to terms with the fact that they probably aren't going to be able to save enough money to just sit around and slowly deplete their nest egg from 62 to 100. With the average 50 year-old estimated to have less than $50,000 in retirement savings, there is an obvious need to find alternative ways to either save more or generate supplemental income starting now, and continuing throughout retirement. Moving beyond just the dollars and cents, boomers are growing tired of feeling guilty or bad about their past savings habits and are interested in moving towards possible solutions. 

Another growing reality... Is the increasing number of baby boomers who are disenchanted with their current careers. They are worn out from years of the corporate grind and don't feel the connection between their job and the people it impacts outside their office walls or company grounds. They are shifting their focus from accumulating a giant nest egg to a desire to be part of something bigger and better...to have a positive effect on others...and working in retirement. 

MLM and direct selling programs also offer very low barriers into entrepreneurship, often providing training, support, and ample encouragement along the way. As retirees begin to realize they need activities that keep them busy, relevant, in good health, and connected to others, The time, energy, and cost to participate in these kinds of companies make them very appealing to large segments of the population caught up in these dynamics. 

Daria M. Brezinski PhD, a practicing psychologist: "Many people don't realize that Multilevel Marketing Companies are successful because they help people satisfy a number of important human needs, including feeling significant, having connections, learning something new, and making a difference."

This is not ringing endorsement for the entire industry. Like any investment of time, money, and energy, people need to be aware of what they're getting into and do their homework. 

... The industry could soon experience larger than life growth spurred by baby boomers looking to adjust their retirement feelings and plans. 

Read the full article here.